August 13, 2013

Our Haiti Team!

A Little Catch Up

So I thought it would be good to start off with a little catch up and overview of what Impact 195 is. In January I started Impact 195, which is a 1 year discipleship school. The school is broken up into three terms, each term is about 3 months long with roughly a 1 month break in between terms. This makes it the total of a 1 year program.

As of now, I am almost done with my second term! In the last week! Time is flying by and we have learned SO MUCH!! They say it is like drinking form a fire hose with all the teaching and information we learn, it couldn’t be more true! They also say that it is like 37 years of church in one year! Also feels pretty true as well.

Monday through Friday from 9am to 1pm we have worship, teachings about God, Jesus’ life, biblical principles to live by and most importantly we learn how to study the bible in an inductive manner in order to be able to feed ourselves from the word. Homework usually involves some sort of reflection on what we learned followed by a written response. Other homework assignments have been practicing what we learned such as; making inductive observations of the text on our own, or exercising spiritual practices such as; meditating on the word, solitude and prayer.

Also, weekly we are memorizing scriptures and taking quizzes on those scriptures every Thursday. At times it is a little hard to keep up, but it is the most rewarding, sanctifying work I have ever done in my life. Very worth the times that feel more challenging. The purpose of all the scripture memorization and reflection is to get us in the habit of thinking biblically, sowing deep roots and teaching us how to use our sword! The word of God! “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” Hebrews 4:12. I don’t know about you, but that’s the sword that I want to know how to use!

Friday is sort of our fun day. We get to do community outreaches where we may go to the beach, or to the streets of downtown evangelizing. To be honest I was pretty uncomfortable with this to start, but God has been faithful to infuse me with boldness and I have had the opportunity to pray for many people and spiritually intercede on their behalf. It is amazing some of the stories we have heard on outreach and how there is so much brokenness, but to share the love of Christ is truly rewarding and has changed peoples lives including mine.

So there is a little insight to what my life typically looks like in this season. I hope this helps you feel more caught up to speed and connected!

On a final note this is also my last week in the states! This Saturday our team leaves for Haiti!!! So soon! But as a team we have been diligent about preparing in advance. We have been connecting with our missionaries and contacts in Haiti planning what outreaches we will do, we have dedicated Wednesdays to fasting and Fridays to praying for the trip, we have spent intentional time together as a team to build fellowship and unity… we have even learned how to tie balloon animals for the kids! To say the least this past month has been very intentional about preparing for the trip and now we are more than eager to go! It is such a blessing to be a part of what God is doing! We get to be His hands and feet and allow Him to work through us! “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” 1John 4:4. So we go boldly to love and serve! “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” Mark 10:45.

As we will not have Internet time, or access once we’re there, I will post most of the pictures, info and stories sometime after we get back on September 1st. So definitely look for more updates around the first week of September! Stay tuned! <3